Wild White and Green Bridesmaid Bouquet


Featuring a mix of whimsical greenery, dried botanical accents and white roses, the Wild White and Green Bridesmaid Bouquet is perfect for the bride with a free spirit and chic style.

Wrapped in satin ribbon to match your bridesmaid dresses.

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Featuring a mix of whimsical greenery, dried botanical accents and white roses, the Wild White and Green Bridesmaid Bouquet is perfect for the bride with a free spirit and chic style.

Wrapped in satin ribbon to match your bridesmaid dresses.

Featuring a mix of whimsical greenery, dried botanical accents and white roses, the Wild White and Green Bridesmaid Bouquet is perfect for the bride with a free spirit and chic style.

Wrapped in satin ribbon to match your bridesmaid dresses.