Modern Rose Bridesmaid Bouquet
The Modern Rose Bridesmaid Bouquet is ideal for your wedding entourage! This is a scaled down version of the bridal bouquet, and includes beautiful full roses layered in a stylish contemporary design.
Wrapped in a satin ribbon to match your bridesmaid dresses.
The Modern Rose Bridesmaid Bouquet is ideal for your wedding entourage! This is a scaled down version of the bridal bouquet, and includes beautiful full roses layered in a stylish contemporary design.
Wrapped in a satin ribbon to match your bridesmaid dresses.
The Modern Rose Bridesmaid Bouquet is ideal for your wedding entourage! This is a scaled down version of the bridal bouquet, and includes beautiful full roses layered in a stylish contemporary design.
Wrapped in a satin ribbon to match your bridesmaid dresses.