Citrus Charm Bridesmaid Bouquet


A bright and cheerful bouquet with a loose garden design composed of a variety of fuchsia, yellow, and coral roses, ranunculus, pink stock, and assorted greens in a smaller size than the bridal bouquet. Wrapped in ribbon to compliment your bridesmaid dresses.

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A bright and cheerful bouquet with a loose garden design composed of a variety of fuchsia, yellow, and coral roses, ranunculus, pink stock, and assorted greens in a smaller size than the bridal bouquet. Wrapped in ribbon to compliment your bridesmaid dresses.

A bright and cheerful bouquet with a loose garden design composed of a variety of fuchsia, yellow, and coral roses, ranunculus, pink stock, and assorted greens in a smaller size than the bridal bouquet. Wrapped in ribbon to compliment your bridesmaid dresses.